Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Tumultuous Tale of Sir Entsire Dune
There once was a peace-loving Ent,
(Entsire Dune was the name of the gent),
Whose voice soporific
Was considered terrific
By all the Entmaidens of Ghent.
This Entsire, of pastoral bent,
A serene and poetical gent,
Had married a duchess
Of wealth, though on crutches,
The Lady Sodmilla de Ghent.
With all of her pomp, Mrs. Ent
Often stomped, causing need to repent.
She possessed such a temper,
And hankerings semper,
That she drove Entsire hasty, poor gent.
Now, Sodmilla, the nagster of Ghent,
Hounded Entsire so much that he went
For a drive in his Bentley
To escape her so gently--
This poor harried husband of Ghent.
Relieved, Entsire speedily went
Towards the countryside, green and content.
But driving in traffic
(His language so graphic!)
Drove him wild--quite a shocking event.
From behind came the sirens' lament;
Blue lights, too, for the sheriffs were sent.
His roots hit the pedal
Before he could settle
His wits. Out of shape he was bent!
Thus, on went the chase for an Ent
In a Bentley--no ding nor a dent
Til then ever marred it--
He drove it so hard it
Spun out with a shudder and went:
Right over a cliff! Sailed the Ent--
This once patient husband of Ghent.
Had he not worn his seat belt,
And his prayer not been heartfelt,
The landing would have ended said Ent.
Since that episode, never's an Ent
Been more placid--a penitent gent.
Sodmilla's the same,
A cantankerous dame,
But the Entwife controls not the Ent.
So. . .may that be a Bentley well spent!
Entsire's will was a document* bent
On giving fresh glory
To Entlore's lost story.
"Don't be hasty", said Entsire.
The Ent.
*Sir Entsire Dune's "Last Will and TestamEnt"
copyright 2007 by Karen Gladys Henry
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